Solana: Get mint hashes from a Candy Machine

Solana is a pretty cool project, it’s smart contract ecosystem is exquisite and detailed but the documentation and methodologies are pretty lacking. Especially those surrounding NFTs.

Recently I was working on a project that had to download mint hashes of NFT projects from their respective candy machine, after a bit of googling no solution came across as straight forward so I took the liberty to publish an NPM package with the utilities that will help me with this project as well as others.

It’s pretty straight forward to use it, you can install it from NPM using

npm install @alchemilla/solana-nft-tools

And then use it in your code as such

const  nftTools  =  require("@alchemilla/solana-nft-tools");
const { Connection } = require("@solana/web3.js");
const connection = new Connection('RPC_URL','confirmed');

(async () => {
const mintHashes = await nftTools.getMintHashesFromCandyMachine(connection,'CANDY_MACHINE_ID', CANDY_MACHINE_VERSION);
console.log(mintHashes); /* An array of mint hashes */

Replace RPC_URL with either the solana official RPC url or something like QuickNode. From my experience the solana official RPC is extremely bad due to the fact that it rate limits you heavily.

Replace CANDY_MACHINE_ID with the candy machine with that of the one you want to get mint hashes of.

Replace CANDY_MACHINE_VERSION with the version of the candy machine you’re retrieving mints from.

The process is slow and might take a few minutes especially for a lot of mints, so if you’re using this in your project it’s better to cache the array returned from the getMintHashesFromCandyMachine function.